Getting started with UNLOQ

Kickstart your integration process with our platform

Verifying a widget's domain

Widgets allow you to rapidly integrate UNLOQ into your application by entering a small JavaScript tag that will handle the front-end heavy-lifting. However, before the widget becomes active, you must prove you have access to the widget's domain.

The verification process can be done in two ways:

  • HTML or TXT File - Download the generated HTML or TXT file, add it to the domain's root and click on Verify.
  • DNS TXT Record - Go to your domain's DNS provider (GoDaddy, NameCheap, CloudFlare, etc) and create a TXT record, entering the generated domain code both as the key and as the value of the record. You can then click on Verify to verify the domain. Note that some DNS providers require a couple of hours to propagate these changes and verification might not be instant.

Once you've verified your domain, any widget that use it will become active.

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For security related concerns, please visit our Security page.