Setting up an application

Integrate your blog, site or application with UNLOQ

General settings

In this category you can edit the settings of your new application and configuration required for your users to login to your site using UNLOQ.

Besides our authentication mechanisms, you can send out transaction authorization requests, in-app notifications and request personal encryption keys. It also provides basic reports and analytics on the actions you or your users have performed.

Once you've created your application, there are a few settings that you can change to further customize your application.


Under theĀ General SettingsĀ tab, About category you can update your application's name and description. You can also change the status of your application from any tab in this menu. By default, an application is created in staging mode, rejecting any approval requests from both the widget and server-to-server calls. Whenever you are ready to go live with your application, or completely shut down any login attempt to your application, you can change this setting.

With Request time out, you can also specify the number of seconds you want approval requests to be active. This can be anywhere between 10 to 40 seconds.

In Custom mobile applications you can decide whether you want to use the default UNLOQ mobile app or one of your custom branded mobile apps. In the later case, you will need to insert the URLs from the App Store or Google Play.

API Keys

In the API Keys category you can manage the application keys that enable your back-end to communicate with our API.

There is no limit in the number of keys, but when performing an API call, the HTTP Authorization header will have to be set as:

Have a question? You can always send us an email at, or contact us on chat.

For security related concerns, please visit our Security page.